Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes acupuncture, herbal formulas, and other modalities, has gained popularity in Western culture as both a complementary and alternative treatment for conditions such as pain, digestive disorders, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and infertility. Acupuncture, the most well-known TCM practice, involves inserting fine needles into specific points along the body’s meridians to promote healing.
Massage Therapist
Focusing on a therapeutic approach to treatments, her sessions utilize a combination of deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, manual stretching, and fascial work.
20 years of experience allows her to measure and fit each client with the most appropriate brace for their individual needs. AKA “The Brace Lady”
Massage Therapist
Loves meeting new people and helping them release tension through massage, she looks forward to using her skills to help you experience an amazing relaxing massage.
It is her belief that no one should ever have to fully stop participating in sport or activity due to an injury or condition and that with the commitment from herself and the client they can work in tandem to foster a return to sport, activity or occupation to their fullest potential.
Chiropractor, Owner
I initially was interested healthcare after my own health challenges as a kid. When I first had a NUCCA adjustment I think I knew almost right away that this was the perfect fit for me.